Q-munity Testimonials Customers

Thank you so much for introducing us to the QLink pendant. We are truly grateful to you for taking time to show us the pendant.

When you explained how the QLink works and told us that so many people from across the world had benefited from it, my wife, Linda, was quite impressed, but I was rather skeptical. I just could not believe that a simple pendant could do anything to help me with my Parkinson’s disease that I have been suffering in the last 10 years. It started with the shaking of my hands, and about 3 years ago, my head started to twitch.

You said that the pendant may not cure my Parkinson’s disease, but it will improve my overall health.

Linda convinced me that I had nothing to lose and I decided to give it a shot. It was one of the best decisions I have made in so many years. Just 3 days after I wore the pendant, my hands were not shaking as much and my head was twitching less. I also feel a lot more energy nowadays; I don’t feel so sleepy and lethargic anymore.

As for Linda, she sleeps better with the pendant and she feels a lot calmer.
I am still not sure how the pendant works, but it is doing Linda and I a world of good.

Once again, thank you.
James Ong
Tampines, Singapore

You know I did not believe you initially when you told me that the QLink pendant could help me reduce the harmful effects of EMF stresses and improve the blood cells.

However, 3 months after I had my angioplasty procedure last year, you persuaded me to wear the QLink pendant and let you know whether it has helped me improve my health.

Although I had my doubts, I decided to give it a try as I had nothing to lose. Three weeks later when I went for my routine check-up, my cardiologist told me that my hypertension had improved and he decided to reduce my medication by half.

Furthermore, an amazing thing happened to me. I had a blood clot in my right big toe beneath the nail for about 10 years. It wasn’t painful and as it did not give me any problems, I left it alone.

One day as I was cutting my toe nails, I noticed that the clot had somehow disappeared. That was about 6 weeks after I wore the QLink pendant. Isn’t that amazing?

I am totally convinced that the QLink pendant has done me wonders and I bought 2 more; one for my wife and the other for my son. About a month after my wife had worn the pendant, she told me that her migraine seemed to have subsided. She no longer needs to take the painkillers.

My son, a business consultant, said that he is now able to work longer hours without feeling tired. He believes that the pendant has helped to increase his energy and enhance his mental performance. He was promoted for his good performance.

Thank you for introducing the QLink to me. I am so glad that I had decided to try the QLink pendant. It has done me and my family so much good and I want you to know that it is worth every cent I have paid for
Yeo Geok Chua
Ang Mo Kio, Singapore

Peter Spann
Managing Director - Freeman Fox - Regarded as Australia's most successful wealth educator and Author of 'Wealth Magic'.

"Before I started wearing my QLink I must admit I was sceptical, but because I am a public speaker and I am around electromagnetic fields all day I thought I'd give it a try. I really notice the difference when I have to push myself and when I am under the lights with transmitting microphones all around me. The energy boost has been amazing. People are amazed at the energy I put into my seminars - QLink has been a big part of that.

Jorge Cruise
Author of the New York Times & USA Today Best Seller: 8 Minutes In The Morning
Americas #1 online weight loss specialist

"I use all the QLink Family of Products in my home and office. The ClearWave 3 protects me against the toxic effects of cell phones and computers (EMF). I can work on my computer and still feel fresh and energetic after long hours. I am also recommending the QLink Technology to all my weight loss clients to maximize their weight loss. Why? If you want a fat-burning metabolism, you must first rebuild your lean muscle tissues via strength training and second with restful sleep. Sleep is when muscle fibers rebuild."

Herbert Ross DC, Kerri Brenner LAC with Burton Goldberg
Authors of Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide on Sleep Disorders
Chapter 7, pg 176
— The QLink ClearWave clock is recommended to improve sleep. "...The night after she installed the Clarus clock, Janice began to sleep better. In three months, all her symptoms were gone, including the insomnia and restless sleep." Chapter 7, pg 188
— The Clarus ClearWave and the QLink Pendant are recommended in the "Protection From EMFs" section.

"Thank you very much! I put the Q-Link on straight away and that night got the best night’s sleep I’ve had for a long time. Since then I’ve been feeling better every day and my wife has noticed a change in my attitude. Now that I’m not tired out so easily, I don’t get grumpy anymore. My wife and my mother will soon be putting orders in as well."
Scott Metcalf, Q-Link wearer

“Since starting to wear my Q-Link, I have been sleeping better, and feeling less lethargic. I originally bought the Q-Link because I was working in a heavily computer based office, and had heard about the benefits to people in such situations. I have felt less “stressed” working around multiple screens and would recommend it to others in that environment – thanks!”
James Davis, Merchant Banker

“Every month for many years I suffered from terrible mood swings and irritability – it ruined my life. I had been to doctors, tried different supplements, all to no avail. 6 weeks after wearing Q-Link my mood swings disappeared and have not come back in over 6 years. Q-Link changed my life so much so, I joined the company. Every woman who suffers on a monthly basis should get a Q-Link.”
Kristina Locke, Marketing Consultant.

"I'm 66 years old and was given a gift by a friend of mine. It was the Q-Link that was supposed to give me More energy for all my hobbies, tennis, gym and grandchildren. Also I didn't fully believe in it. I told myself "why not wear it and see." To my great surprise and skepticism, I found that I had become More energetic, More centered than I had ever felt before. It was truly a great gift and now I wear it with confidence and like to share that recognition with many others. I still don't understand how it works, but I can always tell the difference when I don't wear it (More tired) then put it back on again (More energy and enjoy my life More) so I know it really does work. Just thought I'd share my experience with you."
Traute Greening Sunnyvale, California

"I have been a flight attendant for 11 years and have always thought that I coped fairly well with jet lag, until I felt the difference when I started wearing the Q-Link Pendant. The first time I noticed a dramatic difference was after a round trip to Japan. After the flight I was still thinking clearly. Even though I still felt some physical tiredness I did not have that spacey feeling I so often experience after long international trips. I would highly recommend the Q-Link Pendant to every flight attendant, on any airline, and to anybody else that travels by air frequently."
Michelle Kwon Flight Attendant, San Francisco, CA

Joseph McClendon III
Head Trainer, Anthony Robbins Companies
Author of "Unlimited Power: A Black Choice"

"This little masterpiece is truly a wonderful gift of energy and clarity that everyone deserves to experience. I have been wearing the QLink for about 8 years now. Energy, clarity, and peacefulness are just a few of the outstanding benefits I consistently experience from it. You owe it to yourself to operate at your optimum."

"I have been using the Q-Link as a tool to help keep my resilience high during seminars, book tours, workshops and lectures. It allows me to stay calm and centered in high intensity situations. To me the Q-Link is a short cut to meditation. It creates a wonderful sense of inner spaciousness which allows me to welcome new situations with presence and clarity.”
Margo Anand
Author of The Art of Everyday Ecstasy and many other books. International workshop leader and speaker.

Jean-Jacques de Mesterton
Author of The Succession

"It's about performance. I like to write first thing in the morning; a good long stretch, usually six hours. Sitting in front of the computer was seriously draining--I lost the will to live by noon. My workouts were agonizing. I had nothing left at the end of the day. The QLink is remarkable. I started wearing the pendant three years ago. I can now write for six hours, workout with intensity and focus, and still have enough energy left to enjoy whatever the evening may bring. I have never been more productive."

"I wore the Q-Link on a flight to Europe. This is the first time I have not been fatigued, depleted and worn down after spending hours in a commercial airline."
Donald Epstein, D.C.
Author of
The 12 Stages of Healing

"I was a skeptical Q-Link wearer initially. Almost immediately (within 24hrs) I noticed three distinct differences. The first was my ability to handle stressful situations with out becoming stressed. The second was the quality of my sleep, I was more refreshed even with less than 6 hours of sleep. The third benefit was to my memory, I noticed that my recall was quicker and clearer (I’m 32 and have no memory issues per say but there was a distinct difference). These “differences” became more apparent and consistent after a week of wearing the Q-Link.
After something becomes normal it’s benefits become the norm, recently I went a week without wearing my Q-Link (after a business trip), I was perplexed why I was feeling so tired until I re-made the correlation between overall mental sharpness and fatigue and the absence of my Q-Link. I am a fan and I heartily can attest to its benefits. I appreciate the opportunity to use your product and will continue to turn my clients onto this great product."
Paraic McGlynn

COO Bicycle Ranch LLC, Certified Fitting Specialist, Professional Cycling Coach

"Our personal research findings give us good reason to be very concerned about the negative effects of man-made electromagnetic fields on the body’s innate ability to heal. Clarus has been shown to reduce stress and improve efficiency and productivity. Our staff has noticed a definite difference in their health and energy, and even more positive attitudes."
W. Karl Parker

D.C. F.I.C.C. Executive Vice President
Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation, Dallas TX

"Wearing the Q-Link, I was surprised at how much quicker my body recovered each night. It really made a difference" Peter Sage 31 (Entrepreneur and Tony Robbins Trainer), after completing the formidable Marathon Des Sables - an epic '7 Marathons in 7 days' race across the Sahara Desert.
Peter Sage, 31

Entrepeneur and Trainer

"Q-Link products provide a key to refining nearly every aspect of life, from jet lag to stress and chronic fatigue."
Peter Clecak, PhD

Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Irvine

"In my practice and in my book Body, Mind, and Sport, I teach the importance of maintaining a calm center within the activity of one's life. In fact, the calmer one is, the more powerful one can be. Like the eye of a hurricane, the bigger the eye, the calmer the center ³s and the more powerful the hurricane. I use a variety of methods to induce both athletes and non-athletes into this experience of inner calm. Most athletes, as do most activities in the West, create a state of fight or flight emergency, which wears the body down. The Q-Link directly supports this calm center within one's self. I strongly recommend the Q-Link to serious athletes and to everyone else who wants more graceful and less stressful performance."
John Douillard, D.C.

Ayurvedic Physician and Author

“I am part of a large support group network for Chronic Fatigue ANF Fibromyalgia. I have purchased one of your

Q-Link necklaces and have been helped tremendously by it. I sleep better, am More rested upon waking; which is a first in 14 years, and think More clearly throughout the day. I also suffer from PTSD rage from my Vietnam days and this little medallion gives me More control and less useless anger than I ever thought possible. It is better than any medication I’ve ever used, without any side effects. I got another of the group members to get one and she reports the same positive effects on her. Thank you so very much!!
Lawrence Richards , Millbury, MA.

"I started using the QLink approximately four months ago and my experience has been nothing short of awesome. The increase in my energy levels, and in my ability to focus has been dramatic. As a singer / songwriter, I have noticed a definitive improvement in my guitar playing and if I can stay out of my own way, song ideas seem to come much more easily and with more frequency. That being said, probably the most empowering effect it has had is in my yearning to heal old wounds. Whereas the process of digging deep can be a challenging one, I have felt a very potent desire to take those necessary steps toward healing. I feel there is no coincidence that the timing of that desire coincides with my QLink usage. I am convinced it was (and is) an enormous catalyst in my moving forward with that process, which in turn has lead to the letting go of a lot of baggage that inhibited me from enjoying a more balanced acceptance of life. Obviously that is a continual process and the vicissitudes of life will always be a constant, but I do feel I am embracing those changes with a lightness and sense of humor that I didn't possess prior to the QLink. All that, and it's helped my putting too"
Dave Zobl
Entrepreneur, Singer & Songwriter of Best Day Yet and Chapte

Lisa Fitz
Powerful and Energetic German singer
Actress, Entrepreneur and Writer

"I perform 100 one woman shows every year, managing my company and continuous traveling require all my energy. The QLink pendant helps me to use my energy resources in the best way. Now I am less troubled by lack of sleep, long-distance flights and stress at work and my energy pool seems to be inexhaustible."