Q. How is the QLink® going to help me?
Scientific studies and QLink users report increased energy and enhanced mental performance a two important benefits. QLink® can increase your physical stamina, increase your ability to concentrate, and enhance your personal effectiveness. Additionally, QLink® can strengthen you in the presence of a wide variety of environmental stress-ors, especially EMF from computers, cell phones and other sources.

Q. How long will my QLink® Pendant last - will it ever run out?
The QLink® Pendant lasts a lifetime. It is 'powered' by you, the wearer, and will work for as long as you are wearing it.

Q. How close to my skin does the QLink® have to be?
Ideally, the QLink® should be no more than three inches away from the skin. The best benefits occur when worn right next to the skin or directly on top of clothing.

Q. What does the term 'QLink' mean?
QLink® is derived from 'Quantum Link' because the technology works at the deepest or quantum level.

Q. Is the QLink® waterproof?
Yes, the technology is fully sealed inside each pendant and is totally waterproof.

Q. Can I sleep in my QLink®?
Many people sleep more soundly and wake feeling better rested when they wear their QLink®. Others prefer to take it off. There is no right or wrong way. However, the more you wear it the more consistency you can expect.

Q. Can I wear the QLink® Pendant inside / outside my shirt?
You can wear the QLink® either way. As long as it is within 3 inches of your skin it will resonate effectively with your body.

Q. Does it matter which direction the QLink® is worn?
Pendants can be worn with the tuning board facing toward the body or away from it.

Q. Can I share my QLink® Pendant with anyone?
We recommend you do not. The QLink® Pendant is powered by the minute energy fields emanating from your body and after several days it becomes optimally tuned for your use only.

Q. Can I exchange the comfort cord for a chain?
As long as your QLink® Pendant rests in the middle of your chest at the level of your heart, you can replace the cord with anything you wish. Each QLink® Pendant Model is supplied with a silk cord that is adjustable to ensure correct positioning. QLink® chains are available.

Q. Can children wear the QLink® Pendant?
The QLink® Pendant is suitable for all ages. However, caution must be exercised when hanging anything around a child's neck. We recommend parents replace the cord provided with a suitable breakaway type cord. Parents are responsible for child safety and finding the appropriate cord.

Q. How long will it take before my QLink® Pendant takes effect?
The QLink® Pendant starts to work as soon as you put it on. Statistically, we have found that athletes sense the affects within the first 24 hours of use. Research demonstrates that even if you do not consciously register the benefits, the QLink® Pendant is still working at the cellular level.

Q. Is there a difference between QLink® Pendant Models?
There is no difference in the technology or overall effects inside the different pendant models. The only difference is in design.

Q. Can I wear my magnet, crystal, acu-pressure or other devices with the QLink® Pendant?

Q. How does the QLink® differ from magnetic therapy?
Magnet therapy claims to eliminate physical pain in a specific localized area of the body. The QLink boosts your system’s efficiency and enhances the body's recuperative abilities.

Q. What are electromagnetic fields (EMF)?
Electromagnetic fields range from Gamma and X-rays that have a very high frequency (1022 Hz) down to 60-Hertz household electricity and even lower. Research evidence suggests that electromagnetic fields generated by electrical appliances, computers, cell phones, microwaves, jet planes, and fluorescent lights are disruptive to the energy states of humans. Am I currently overexposed to EMF?
If you frequently use or are in close proximity to cell or cordless phones, computers, fluorescent lights, hair-driers, microwave ovens, televisions, x-ray machines, or other electrical devices, then you should be aware of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendations for safe exposure to EMF. The standard unit used in measuring EMF intensity is "Gauss". Potentially harmful EMF emitted from many common household sources are measured in Milligauss (mG) units. If you are concerned that you are in danger of any adverse effects from EMF exposure, keep the next statement in mind. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended levels for safe exposure to EMF range from .5 mG to a maximum of 2.5 mG — with 1.0 mG as a preferred standard. Adverse biological effects have been found at 2.5 mG. (According to Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer Guide to the Issues and How To Protect Ourselves, by B. Blake Levitt. Pages 254-258). Currently there is much controversy regarding harmful effects from EMF. Many countries have initiated further research based on test results, mostly conducted in the 1980's, suggesting health concerns.

Q. When will I start to benefit from my QLink® product?
Though you may be unaware, research demonstrates you will start to benefit from your QLink product the moment you start using it.

Q. Does my QLink® Pendant ever need to be recharged?

Q. What's inside the QLink® Pendant?
The SRT Resonator™ inside your QLink Pendant is made up of three hardware components:
1. The resonating cell. The resonating cell is the size of a watch battery and is made of a unique combination of 99.999% pure crystalline elements.
2. The tuning board. The tuning board is 14 karat gold-plated.
3. The amplifying coil. The amplifying coil is 75 feet of copper wire wound into approximately one inch in diameter. The main component, the resonating cell, works as a crystalline oscillator to convert and conduct subtle energy into more coherent energy states, ones which are conducive to the healthy energy states of the person. The tuning board reinforces the resonating cell to function in a specific spectrum or energy range. It harmonizes and protects the functioning of the resonating cell. The amplifying coil shapes and strengthens the size of the energy field that is conducted. It extends the power of the sympathetic resonance into a 3-dimensional field. This entire process strengthens the internal power and resilience of the wearer, allowing him or her to more effectively filter out chaotic energies. Electrical energy is not required for this SRT Resonator™ since it is powered by the energy of the person wearing it. Because electrical power is not applied, and because of the unique way an SRT Resonator™ works, the cell, tuning board and amplifying coil do not have to be physically wired as they would with a normal Hertzian electronic circuit.

Q. Will the QLink® cure my medical ailment?
The QLink is not a medical device. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you think you have a medical ailment, you should consult a licensed healthcare professional. Many doctors or physicians do generally agree that if you can increase your resistance to stress or your ability to manage stress, then the ability to self-heal may also be enhanced. In some cases, the healing process can be accelerated.

Q. Is this just a placebo effect?
Independent double-blind testing has proven that the positive benefits of QLink technology cannot be a placebo effect. Double-blind testing is where participants were split into two groups, half of the participants given real QLink and the half, dummy QLink, as well as scientific research published in peer reviewed science and health journals. Research has documented that as the dynamic balance of your whole system increases, positive results on brain activity, blood cells, and stress resistance occur. No improvements were shown in any of these areas by participants wearing dummy QLink.

Q. Are QLink® Products useful to me if I don’t use a computer or mobile phone?
Yes, we are affected by EMF all the times because they are emitted from every electrical appliance, engines, power-lines and wireless communication. The QLink Products are not just to counter the effects of EMF-induced stress, but also w whole range of different stress-ors-chemical, nutritional, physical, mental and emotional.

Q. Is it advisable to wear a QLink® if you have a pacemaker?
We have not done any specific research on our products and pacemakers. Our products are not sold as medical devices and you would need to consult your physician regarding the advisability of using our products with pacemakers. With regard to the pendants, I can tell you that it contains no battery, no magnets, and does not use any electric current.

Q. Is it advisable to wear a QLink® if you are pregnant?
We have had pregnant women wear the QLink Pendant without complaint. However, there are no specific tests that have been done on pregnant women and we cannot by law comment or give advice on an individual's health care. We recommend that you consult a licensed health care practitioner. We do, however, have test results on the positive impact that SRT has on live blood cells, brain wave functions, muscle testing and children with ADD which can be viewed here.

Q. Are there any uncomfortable symptoms associated with using QLink® Products?
The QLink affects the human Bio-field. When the Bio-field is strengthened and resonates with more life-enhancing energies, there could be an effect on the body that may be perceived as discomfort for a short time. If this happens, we recommend you :
a) gradually get used to the QLink by wearing it only a few hours a day and then work your way up to wearing it more consistently and/or
b) consult with a licensed health practitioner.

Q. Is there any maintenance required with the QLink® Pendant?
There is no maintenance required with your QLink pendant. It is working as long as you are wearing it. However, we recommend polishing your Silver QLink pendant to avoid tarnishing